Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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fsl_sim_hal_MKL28T7.h File Reference
#include "fsl_scg_hal.h"
#include "fsl_pcc_hal.h"
#include "fsl_sim_hal.h"


enum  clock_wdog_src_kl28t7_t {
 WDOG clock source select. More...
enum  clock_trace_src_kl28t7_t {
 Debug trace clock source select. More...
enum  clock_port_filter_src_kl28t7_t {
 PORTx digital input filter clock source select. More...
enum  clock_lptmr_src_kl28t7_t {
 LPTMR clock source select. More...
enum  clock_sai_src_kl28t7_t {
  kClockSaiSrcSysClk = 0U,
  kClockSaiSrcOsc0erClk = 1U,
  kClockSaiSrcPllFllSel = 3U
 SAI clock source. More...
enum  clock_pllfll_sel_kl28t7_t {
  kClockPllFllSelFll = 0U,
  kClockPllFllSelPll = 1U,
  kClockPllFllSelIrc48M = 3U
 SIM PLLFLLSEL clock source select. More...
enum  clock_er32k_src_kl28t7_t {
  kClockEr32kSrcOsc0 = 0U,
  kClockEr32kSrcRtc = 2U,
  kClockEr32kSrcLpo = 3U
 SIM external reference clock source select (OSC32KSEL). More...
enum  clock_rtcout_src_kl28t7_t {
 SIM RTCCLKOUTSEL clock source select. More...
enum  clock_osc32kout_sel_kl28t7_t {
  kClockOsc32koutNone = 0U,
  kClockOsc32koutPte0 = 1U,
  kClockOsc32koutPte26 = 2U
 SIM OSC32KOUT selection. More...
enum  sim_usbsstby_mode_kl28t7_t {
 SIM USB voltage regulator in standby mode setting during stop modes. More...
enum  sim_usbvstby_mode_kl28t7_t {
 SIM USB voltage regulator in standby mode setting during VLPR and VLPW modes. More...
enum  sim_adc_pretrg_sel_kl28t7_t {
 SIM ADCx pre-trigger select. More...
enum  sim_adc_trg_sel_kl28t7_t {
  kSimAdcTrgselExt = 0U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelHighSpeedComp0 = 1U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelHighSpeedComp1 = 2U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelPit0 = 4U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelPit1 = 5U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelPit2 = 6U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelPit3 = 7U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm0 = 8U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm1 = 9U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm2 = 10U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelRtcAlarm = 12U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelRtcSec = 13U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelLptimer = 14U
 SIM ADCx trigger select. More...
enum  sim_lpuart_rxsrc_kl28t7_t {
 SIM LPUART RX source. More...
enum  sim_uart_rxsrc_kl28t7_t {
 SIM UART receive data source select. More...
enum  sim_uart_txsrc_kl28t7_t {
 SIM UART transmit data source select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_trg_src_kl28t7_t {
 SIM FlexTimer x trigger y select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_clk_sel_kl28t7_t {
 SIM FlexTimer external clock select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_ch_src_kl28t7_t {
 SIM FlexTimer x channel y input capture source select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_ch_out_src_kl28t7_t {
 SIM FlexTimer x channel y output source select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_flt_sel_kl28t7_t {
 SIM FlexTimer x Fault y select. More...
enum  sim_tpm_clk_sel_kl28t7_t {
 SIM Timer/PWM external clock select. More...
enum  sim_tpm_ch_src_kl28t7_t {
 SIM Timer/PWM x channel y input capture source select. More...
enum  sim_cmtuartpad_strengh_kl28t7_t {
 SIM CMT/UART pad drive strength. More...
enum  sim_ptd7pad_strengh_kl28t7_t {
 SIM PTD7 pad drive strength. More...


static void CLOCK_HAL_SetExternalRefClock32kSrc (SIM_Type *base, clock_er32k_src_t setting)
 Set the clock selection of ERCLK32K. More...
static clock_er32k_src_t CLOCK_HAL_GetExternalRefClock32kSrc (SIM_Type *base)
 Get the clock selection of ERCLK32K. More...
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetOsc32kOutSel (SIM_Type *base, clock_osc32kout_sel_t setting)
 Set OSC32KOUT selection. More...
static clock_osc32kout_sel_t CLOCK_HAL_GetOsc32kOutSel (SIM_Type *base)
 Get OSC32KOUT selection. More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool enable)
 Sets the USB voltage regulator enabled setting. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorCmd (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the USB voltage regulator enabled setting. More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringStopMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_usbsstby_mode_t setting)
 Sets the USB voltage regulator in a standby mode setting during Stop, VLPS, LLS, and VLLS. More...
static sim_usbsstby_mode_t SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringStopMode (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the USB voltage regulator in a standby mode setting. More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringVlprwMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_usbvstby_mode_t setting)
 Sets the USB voltage regulator in a standby mode during the VLPR or the VLPW. More...
static sim_usbvstby_mode_t SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringVlprwMode (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the USB voltage regulator in a standby mode during the VLPR or the VLPW. More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringStopCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool enable)
 Sets the USB voltage regulator stop standby write enable setting. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringStopCmd (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the USB voltage regulator stop standby write enable setting. More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringVlprwCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool enable)
 Sets the USB voltage regulator VLP standby write enable setting. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringVlprwCmd (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the USB voltage regulator VLP standby write enable setting. More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorWriteCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool enable)
 Sets the USB voltage regulator enable write enable setting. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorWriteCmd (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the USB voltage regulator enable write enable setting. More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetLpuartRxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_lpuart_rxsrc_t select)
 Sets the LPUARTx receive data source select setting. More...
static sim_lpuart_rxsrc_t SIM_HAL_GetLpuartRxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the LPUARTx receive data source select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmTriggerSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t trigger, sim_ftm_trg_src_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x hardware trigger y source select setting. More...
sim_ftm_trg_src_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmTriggerSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t trigger)
 Gets the FlexTimer x hardware trigger y source select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmExternalClkPinMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_ftm_clk_sel_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x external clock pin select setting. More...
sim_ftm_clk_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmExternalClkPinMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the FlexTimer x external clock pin select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmChSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t channel, sim_ftm_ch_src_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x channel y input capture source select setting. More...
sim_ftm_ch_src_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmChSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t channel)
 Gets the FlexTimer x channel y input capture source select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmChOutSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t channel, sim_ftm_ch_out_src_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x channel y output source select setting. More...
sim_ftm_ch_out_src_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmChOutSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t channel)
 Gets the FlexTimer x channel y output source select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmSyncCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, bool sync)
 Set FlexTimer x hardware trigger 0 software synchronization. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetFtmSyncCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Get FlexTimer x hardware trigger 0 software synchronization setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmFaultSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t fault, sim_ftm_flt_sel_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x fault y select setting. More...
sim_ftm_flt_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmFaultSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t fault)
 Gets the FlexTimer x fault y select setting. More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSubFamilyId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Sub-Family ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSeriesId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis SeriesID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSramSizeId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis SRAMSIZE ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFamId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Fam ID in System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetPinCntId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Pincount ID in System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetRevId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Revision ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetDieId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Die ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetProgramFlashSize (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the program flash size in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetFlashDoze (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t setting)
 Sets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFlashDoze (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetFlashDisableCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool disable)
 Sets the Flash disable setting. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetFlashDisableCmd (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Flash disable setting. More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFlashMaxAddrBlock0 (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Flash maximum address block 0 in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More...
IP related clock feature APIs
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcAlternativeTriggerCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, bool enable)
 Sets the ADCx alternate trigger enable setting. More...
bool SIM_HAL_GetAdcAlternativeTriggerCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the ADCx alternate trigger enable setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcPreTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_adc_pretrg_sel_t select)
 Sets the ADCx pre-trigger select setting. More...
sim_adc_pretrg_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetAdcPreTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the ADCx pre-trigger select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_adc_trg_sel_t select)
 Sets the ADCx trigger select setting. More...
sim_adc_trg_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetAdcTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the ADCx trigger select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcTriggerModeOneStep (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, bool altTrigEn, sim_adc_pretrg_sel_t preTrigSel, sim_adc_trg_sel_t trigSel)
 Sets the ADCx trigger select setting in one function. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetUartRxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_uart_rxsrc_t select)
 Sets the UARTx receive data source select setting. More...
sim_uart_rxsrc_t SIM_HAL_GetUartRxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the UARTx receive data source select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetUartTxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_uart_txsrc_t select)
 Sets the UARTx transmit data source select setting. More...
sim_uart_txsrc_t SIM_HAL_GetUartTxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the UARTx transmit data source select setting. More...

Function Documentation

static void CLOCK_HAL_SetExternalRefClock32kSrc ( SIM_Type *  base,
clock_er32k_src_t  setting 

This function sets the clock selection of ERCLK32K.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingThe value to set.
static clock_er32k_src_t CLOCK_HAL_GetExternalRefClock32kSrc ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the clock selection of ERCLK32K.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
Current selection.
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetOsc32kOutSel ( SIM_Type *  base,
clock_osc32kout_sel_t  setting 

This function sets ERCLK32K output pin.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingThe value to set.
static clock_osc32kout_sel_t CLOCK_HAL_GetOsc32kOutSel ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets ERCLK32K output pin setting.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
Current selection.
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
bool  enable 

This function controls whether the USB voltage regulator is enabled. This bit can only be written when the SOPT1CFG[URWE] bit is set.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
enableUSB voltage regulator enable setting
  • true: USB voltage regulator is enabled.
  • false: USB voltage regulator is disabled.
static bool SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorCmd ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the USB voltage regulator enabled setting.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
enabled True if the USB voltage regulator is enabled.
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringStopMode ( SIM_Type *  base,
sim_usbsstby_mode_t  setting 

This function controls whether the USB voltage regulator is placed in a standby mode during Stop, VLPS, LLS, and VLLS modes. This bit can only be written when the SOPT1CFG[USSWE] bit is set.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingUSB voltage regulator in standby mode setting
  • 0: USB voltage regulator not in standby during Stop, VLPS, LLS and VLLS modes.
  • 1: USB voltage regulator in standby during Stop, VLPS, LLS and VLLS modes.
static sim_usbsstby_mode_t SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringStopMode ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the USB voltage regulator in a standby mode setting.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
setting USB voltage regulator in a standby mode setting
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringVlprwMode ( SIM_Type *  base,
sim_usbvstby_mode_t  setting 

This function controls whether the USB voltage regulator is placed in a standby mode during the VLPR and the VLPW modes. This bit can only be written when the SOPT1CFG[UVSWE] bit is set.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingUSB voltage regulator in standby mode setting
  • 0: USB voltage regulator not in standby during VLPR and VLPW modes.
  • 1: USB voltage regulator in standby during VLPR and VLPW modes.
static sim_usbvstby_mode_t SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringVlprwMode ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the USB voltage regulator in a standby mode during the VLPR or the VLPW.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
setting USB voltage regulator in a standby mode during the VLPR or the VLPW
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringStopCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
bool  enable 

This function controls whether the USB voltage regulator stop standby write feature is enabled. Writing one to this bit allows the SOPT1[USBSSTBY] bit to be written. This register bit clears after a write to SOPT1[USBSSTBY].

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
enableUSB voltage regulator stop standby write enable setting
  • true: SOPT1[USBSSTBY] can be written.
  • false: SOPT1[USBSSTBY] cannot be written.
static bool SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringStopCmd ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the USB voltage regulator stop standby write enable setting.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
enabled True if the USB voltage regulator stop standby write is enabled.
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringVlprwCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
bool  enable 

This function controls whether USB voltage regulator VLP standby write feature is enabled. Writing one to this bit allows the SOPT1[USBVSTBY] bit to be written. This register bit clears after a write to SOPT1[USBVSTBY].

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
enableUSB voltage regulator VLP standby write enable setting
  • true: SOPT1[USBSSTBY] can be written.
  • false: SOPT1[USBSSTBY] cannot be written.
static bool SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorInStdbyDuringVlprwCmd ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the USB voltage regulator VLP standby write enable setting.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
enabled True if the USB voltage regulator VLP standby write is enabled.
static void SIM_HAL_SetUsbVoltRegulatorWriteCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
bool  enable 

This function controls whether the USB voltage regulator write enable feature is enabled. Writing one to this bit allows the SOPT1[USBREGEN] bit to be written. This register bit clears after a write to SOPT1[USBREGEN].

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
enableUSB voltage regulator enable write enable setting
  • true: SOPT1[USBSSTBY] can be written.
  • false: SOPT1[USBSSTBY] cannot be written.
static bool SIM_HAL_GetUsbVoltRegulatorWriteCmd ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the USB voltage regulator enable write enable setting.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
enabled True if USB voltage regulator enable write is enabled.
static void SIM_HAL_SetLpuartRxSrcMode ( SIM_Type *  base,
uint32_t  instance,
sim_lpuart_rxsrc_t  select 

This function selects the source for the LPUARTx receive data.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
instancedevice instance.
selectthe source for the LPUARTx receive data
static sim_lpuart_rxsrc_t SIM_HAL_GetLpuartRxSrcMode ( SIM_Type *  base,
uint32_t  instance 

This function gets the LPUARTx receive data source select setting.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
instancedevice instance.
select LPUARTx receive data source select setting
static bool SIM_HAL_GetFtmSyncCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
uint32_t  instance 

This function gets FlexTimer x hardware trigger 0 software synchronization. FTMxSYNCBIT.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
instancedevice instance.
The synchronization value.
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSubFamilyId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Sub-Family ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Sub-Family ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSeriesId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Series ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Series ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFamId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Fam ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Fam ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetPinCntId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Pincount ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Pincount ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetRevId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Revision ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Revision ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetDieId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Die ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Die ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetProgramFlashSize ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the program flash size in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
size Program flash Size
static void SIM_HAL_SetFlashDoze ( SIM_Type *  base,
uint32_t  setting 

This function sets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingFlash Doze setting
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFlashDoze ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
setting Flash Doze setting
static void SIM_HAL_SetFlashDisableCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
bool  disable 

This function sets the Flash disable setting in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
disableFlash disable setting
static bool SIM_HAL_GetFlashDisableCmd ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Flash disable setting in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
setting Flash disable setting
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFlashMaxAddrBlock0 ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Flash maximum block 0 in Flash Configuration Register 2.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
address Flash maximum block 0 address