Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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fsl_sim_hal_MKV10Z1287.h File Reference
#include <assert.h>


#define FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(SCGCx, n)   (((SCGCx-1U)<<5U) + n)
 SIM SCGC bit index. More...


enum  clock_wdog_src_kv10z1287_t {
 WDOG clock source select. More...
enum  clock_lptmr_src_kv10z1287_t {
 LPTMR clock source select. More...
enum  clock_er32k_src_kv10z1287_t {
  kClockEr32kSrcOsc0 = 0U,
  kClockEr32kSrcLpo = 3U
 SIM external reference clock source select (OSC32KSEL). More...
enum  clock_clkout_src_kv10z1287_t {
  kClockClkoutSelBusClk = 2U,
  kClockClkoutSelLpoClk = 3U,
  kClockClkoutSelMcgIrClk = 4U,
  kClockClkoutSelOsc0erClk = 6U
 SIM CLKOUT_SEL clock source select. More...
enum  sim_adc_alttrg_sel_kv10z1287_t {
  kSimAdcAltTrgselPDB0 = 0U,
  kSimAdcAltTrgselPDB1 = 1U,
  kSimAdcAltTrgselALT = 2U,
  kSimAdcAltTrgselPDB0orPDB1 = 3U
 SIM SIM ADCx alternative conversion trigger select. More...
enum  sim_adc_pretrg_sel_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM ADCx pre-trigger select. More...
enum  sim_adc_trg_sel_kv10z1287_t {
  kSimAdcTrgselExt = 0U,
  kSimAdcTrgselExt0 = 0U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelHighSpeedComp0 = 1U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelHighSpeedComp1 = 2U,
  kSimAdcTrgselExt1 = 3U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelDma0 = 4U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelDma1 = 5U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelDma2 = 6U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelDma3 = 7U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm0 = 8U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm1 = 9U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm2 = 10U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm3 = 11U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm4 = 12U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelFtm5 = 13U,
  kSimAdcTrgSelLptimer = 14U
 SIM ADCx trigger select. More...
enum  sim_uart_rxsrc_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM receive data source select. More...
enum  sim_uart_txsrc_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM transmit data source select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_trg_src_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM FlexTimer x trigger y select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_clk_sel_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM FlexTimer external clock select. More...
enum  clock_ftm_fixedfreq_src_kv10z1287_t {
  kClockFtmClkMcgFfClk = 0U,
  kClockFtmClkMcgIrClk = 1U,
  kClockFtmClkOsc0erClk = 2U
 SIM FlexTimer Fixed Frequency clock source. More...
enum  clock_adc_alt_src_kv10z1287_t {
  kClockAdcAltClkSrcOutdiv5 = 0U,
  kClockAdcAltClkSrcMcgIrClk = 1U,
  kClockAdcAltClkSrcOsc0erClk = 2U
 SIM ADC alt clock source. More...
enum  sim_ftm_ch_src_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM FlexTimer x channel y input capture source select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_ch_out_src_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM FlexTimer x channel y output source select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_flt_sel_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM FlexTimer x Fault y select. More...
enum  sim_ftm_flt_carrier_sel_kv10z1287_t {
 SIM FlexTimer0/2 output channel Carrier frequency selection. More...
enum  clock_flexcan_src_kv10z1287_t {
 FLEXCAN clock source select. More...
enum  sim_clock_gate_name_kv10z1287_t {
  kSimClockGateEwm0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 1U),
  kSimClockGateI2c0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 6U),
  kSimClockGateUart0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 10U),
  kSimClockGateUart1 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 11U),
  kSimClockGateCmp = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 19U),
  kSimClockGateLptmr0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 0U),
  kSimClockGatePortA = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 9U),
  kSimClockGatePortB = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 10U),
  kSimClockGatePortC = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 11U),
  kSimClockGatePortD = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 12U),
  kSimClockGatePortE = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 13U),
  kSimClockGateFtf0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 0U),
  kSimClockGateDmamux0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 1U),
  kSimClockGateFtm3 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 6U),
  kSimClockGateFtm4 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 7U),
  kSimClockGateFtm5 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 8U),
  kSimClockGateSpi0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 12U),
  kSimClockGatePdb1 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 17U),
  kSimClockGateCrc0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 18U),
  kSimClockGatePdb0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 22U),
  kSimClockGateFtm0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 24U),
  kSimClockGateFtm1 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 25U),
  kSimClockGateFtm2 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 26U),
  kSimClockGateAdc0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 27U),
  kSimClockGateAdc1 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 28U),
  kSimClockGateDac0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 31U),
  kSimClockGateDma0 = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(7U, 8U)
 Clock gate name used for SIM_HAL_EnableClock/SIM_HAL_DisableClock. More...


static void SIM_HAL_EnableClock (SIM_Type *base, sim_clock_gate_name_t name)
 Enable the clock for specific module. More...
static void SIM_HAL_DisableClock (SIM_Type *base, sim_clock_gate_name_t name)
 Disable the clock for specific module. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetGateCmd (SIM_Type *base, sim_clock_gate_name_t name)
 Get the the clock gate state for specific module. More...
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetExternalRefClock32kSrc (SIM_Type *base, clock_er32k_src_t setting)
 Set the clock selection of ERCLK32K. More...
static clock_er32k_src_t CLOCK_HAL_GetExternalRefClock32kSrc (SIM_Type *base)
 Get the clock selection of ERCLK32K. More...
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetClkOutSel (SIM_Type *base, clock_clkout_src_t setting)
 Set CLKOUTSEL selection. More...
static clock_clkout_src_t CLOCK_HAL_GetClkOutSel (SIM_Type *base)
 Get CLKOUTSEL selection. More...
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv1 (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t setting)
 Set OUTDIV1. More...
static uint8_t CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv1 (SIM_Type *base)
 Get OUTDIV1. More...
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv4 (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t setting)
 Set OUTDIV4. More...
static uint8_t CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv4 (SIM_Type *base)
 Get OUTDIV4. More...
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv5ENCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool setting)
 Set OUTDIV5EN. More...
static bool CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv5ENCmd (SIM_Type *base)
 Get OUTDIV5EN. More...
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv5 (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t setting)
 Set OUTDIV5. More...
static uint8_t CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv5 (SIM_Type *base)
 Get OUTDIV5. More...
void CLOCK_HAL_SetAdcAltClkSrc (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, clock_adc_alt_src_t adcAltSrcSel)
 Sets the ADC ALT clock source selection setting. More...
clock_adc_alt_src_t CLOCK_HAL_GetAdcAltClkSrc (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the ADC ALT clock source selection setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcAlternativeTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_adc_alttrg_sel_t select)
 Sets the ADCx alternate trigger select setting. More...
sim_adc_alttrg_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetAdcAlternativeTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the ADCx alternate trigger select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcTriggerModeOneStep (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_adc_alttrg_sel_t altTrigSel, sim_adc_pretrg_sel_t preTrigSel, sim_adc_trg_sel_t trigSel)
 Sets the ADCx trigger select setting in one function. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetWdogClkSrc (SIM_Type *base, bool select)
 WDOG Clock Select. More...
bool SIM_HAL_GetWdogClkSrc (SIM_Type *base)
 Get WDOG Clock Src. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetUartOpenDrainMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, bool enable)
 Sets the UARTx open drain enable setting. More...
bool SIM_HAL_GetUartOpenDrainMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the UARTx open drain enable setting. More...
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetFtmFixFreqClkSrc (SIM_Type *base, clock_ftm_fixedfreq_src_t ftmFixedFreqSel)
 Sets the FTM Fixed clock source selection setting. More...
static clock_ftm_fixedfreq_src_t CLOCK_HAL_GetFtmFixFreqClkSrc (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the FTM Fixed clock source selection setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmTriggerSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t trigger, sim_ftm_trg_src_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x hardware trigger y source select setting. More...
sim_ftm_trg_src_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmTriggerSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t trigger)
 Gets the FlexTimer x hardware trigger y source select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmExternalClkPinMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_ftm_clk_sel_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x external clock pin select setting. More...
sim_ftm_clk_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmExternalClkPinMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the FlexTimer x external clock pin select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmChSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t channel, sim_ftm_ch_src_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x channel y input capture source select setting. More...
sim_ftm_ch_src_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmChSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t channel)
 Gets the FlexTimer x channel y input capture source select setting. More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetFtmCarrierFreqMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_ftm_flt_carrier_sel_t select)
 Sets the Carrier frequency selection for FTM0/2/3/4 output channel. More...
static sim_ftm_flt_carrier_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmCarrierFreqMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the Carrier frequency selection for FTM0/2 output channel. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmChOutSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t channel, sim_ftm_ch_out_src_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x channel y output source select setting. More...
sim_ftm_ch_out_src_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmChOutSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t channel)
 Gets the FlexTimer x channel y output source select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmSyncCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, bool sync)
 Set FlexTimer x hardware trigger 0 software synchronization. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetFtmSyncCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Get FlexTimer x hardware trigger 0 software synchronization setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetFtmFaultSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t fault, sim_ftm_flt_sel_t select)
 Sets the FlexTimer x fault y select setting. More...
sim_ftm_flt_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetFtmFaultSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t fault)
 Gets the FlexTimer x fault y select setting. More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSeriesId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis SeriesID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFamId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Fam ID in System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSubFamId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis SbuFam ID in System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetPinCntId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Pincount ID in System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSramSizeId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis SRAMSIZE ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetRevId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Revision ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetDieId (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Kinetis Die ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetProgramFlashSize (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the program flash size in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetFlashDoze (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t setting)
 Sets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFlashDoze (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More...
static void SIM_HAL_SetFlashDisableCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool disable)
 Sets the Flash disable setting. More...
static bool SIM_HAL_GetFlashDisableCmd (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Flash disable setting. More...
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFlashMaxAddrBlock (SIM_Type *base)
 Gets the Flash maximum address block in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More...
IP related clock feature APIs
void CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t outdiv1, uint8_t outdiv2, uint8_t outdiv3, uint8_t outdiv4)
 Sets the clock out dividers setting. More...
void CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t *outdiv1, uint8_t *outdiv2, uint8_t *outdiv3, uint8_t *outdiv4)
 Gets the clock out dividers setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcAlternativeTriggerCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, bool enable)
 Sets the ADCx alternate trigger enable setting. More...
bool SIM_HAL_GetAdcAlternativeTriggerCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the ADCx alternate trigger enable setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcPreTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_adc_pretrg_sel_t select)
 Sets the ADCx pre-trigger select setting. More...
sim_adc_pretrg_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetAdcPreTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the ADCx pre-trigger select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetAdcTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_adc_trg_sel_t select)
 Sets the ADCx trigger select setting. More...
sim_adc_trg_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetAdcTriggerMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the ADCx trigger select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetUartRxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_uart_rxsrc_t select)
 Sets the UARTx receive data source select setting. More...
sim_uart_rxsrc_t SIM_HAL_GetUartRxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the UARTx receive data source select setting. More...
void SIM_HAL_SetUartTxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_uart_txsrc_t select)
 Sets the UARTx transmit data source select setting. More...
sim_uart_txsrc_t SIM_HAL_GetUartTxSrcMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance)
 Gets the UARTx transmit data source select setting. More...

Function Documentation

static void SIM_HAL_EnableClock ( SIM_Type *  base,
sim_clock_gate_name_t  name 

This function enables the clock for specific module.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
nameName of the module to enable.
static void SIM_HAL_DisableClock ( SIM_Type *  base,
sim_clock_gate_name_t  name 

This function disables the clock for specific module.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
nameName of the module to disable.
static bool SIM_HAL_GetGateCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
sim_clock_gate_name_t  name 

This function will get the clock gate state for specific module.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
nameName of the module to get.
state true - ungated(Enabled), false - gated (Disabled)
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetExternalRefClock32kSrc ( SIM_Type *  base,
clock_er32k_src_t  setting 

This function sets the clock selection of ERCLK32K.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingThe value to set.
static clock_er32k_src_t CLOCK_HAL_GetExternalRefClock32kSrc ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the clock selection of ERCLK32K.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
Current selection.
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetClkOutSel ( SIM_Type *  base,
clock_clkout_src_t  setting 

This function sets the selection of the clock to output on the CLKOUT pin.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingThe value to set.
static clock_clkout_src_t CLOCK_HAL_GetClkOutSel ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the selection of the clock to output on the CLKOUT pin.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
Current selection.
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv1 ( SIM_Type *  base,
uint8_t  setting 

This function sets divide value OUTDIV1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingThe value to set.
static uint8_t CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv1 ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets divide value OUTDIV1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
Current divide value.
static void CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv4 ( SIM_Type *  base,
uint8_t  setting 

This function sets divide value OUTDIV4.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingThe value to set.
static uint8_t CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv4 ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets divide value OUTDIV4.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
Current divide value.
static bool SIM_HAL_GetFtmSyncCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
uint32_t  instance 

This function gets FlexTimer x hardware trigger 0 software synchronization. FTMxSYNCBIT.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
instancedevice instance.
synchronization setting
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSeriesId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Series ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Series ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFamId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Fam ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Fam ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetPinCntId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Pincount ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Pincount ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetSramSizeId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis SRAMSIZE ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis SRAMSIZE ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetRevId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Revision ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Revision ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetDieId ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Kinetis Die ID in System Device ID register.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
id Kinetis Die ID
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetProgramFlashSize ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the program flash size in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
size Program flash Size
static void SIM_HAL_SetFlashDoze ( SIM_Type *  base,
uint32_t  setting 

This function sets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
settingFlash Doze setting
static uint32_t SIM_HAL_GetFlashDoze ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
setting Flash Doze setting
static void SIM_HAL_SetFlashDisableCmd ( SIM_Type *  base,
bool  disable 

This function sets the Flash disable setting in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
disableFlash disable setting
static bool SIM_HAL_GetFlashDisableCmd ( SIM_Type *  base)

This function gets the Flash disable setting in the Flash Configuration Register 1.

baseBase address for current SIM instance.
setting Flash disable setting