Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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This section describes the programming interface of the CADC Peripheral driver. The CADC peripheral driver configures the Cyclic ADC (12-bit Cyclic Analog-to-Digital Converter). It handles initialization, configuration and controlling the conversion of this module.

CADC Driver model building

CADC driver has four objects:

CADC Work mode

The ADC operates either in a sequential scan mode or a parallel scan mode. In the sequential scan mode, the scan sequence is determined by defining the 16 sample slots that are processed in order, SAMPLE[0:15]. In the parallel scan mode, ConvA processes SAMPLE[0:7] in order and ConvB processes SAMPLE[8:15] in order.

The parallel scan mode is simultaneous or non-simultaneous:

The ADC can be configured to perform a single scan and halt, perform a scan whenever triggered, or perform the scan sequence repeatedly until manually stopped. The single scan (once mode) differs from the triggered mode only in that SYNC input signals must be re-armed after each use and subsequent SYNC inputs are ignored until the SYNC input is re-armed. Arming can occur any time after the SYNC pulse, including while the scan is still in process.

CADC Interrupt

There are three categories of ADC interrupts:

CADC Call diagram

When using the CADC module, all four objects should be configured according to the application requirements. This example illustrates how to use the CADC driver.

// Four kinds of structures to configure Cyclic ADC with conversion sequence. //
cadc_controller_config_t g_AdcUserConfigStruct;
cadc_chn_config_t g_AdcChnConfigStruct;
cadc_converter_config_t g_AdcConvConfigStruct;
cadc_slot_config_t g_AdcSlotConfigStruct;
static uint32_t CADC_DRV_TEST_PollingMode(uint32_t instance);
int main(void)
uint32_t idx;
uint32_t errCounter = 0U;
uint32_t totalErrCounter = 0U;
PRINTF("\r\nCADC PD driver Test: Start...\r\n");
for (idx = 0U; idx < 1; idx++)
printf("CADC instance: %d.\r\n", idx);
errCounter = 0U;
errCounter += CADC_DRV_TEST_PollingMode(idx);
PRINTF("CADC %d PD driver Test error counter: %d\r\n", idx, errCounter);
totalErrCounter += errCounter;
PRINTF("CADC PD driver Test: End\r\n");
// Print log for auto run detection. //
PRINTF("CADC PD driver Test ");
if (0U == totalErrCounter)
while ('c' != getchar()) {}
return 0;
static uint32_t CADC_DRV_TEST_PollingMode(uint32_t instance)
volatile int tmp;
g_CurADCInstance = instance;
CADC_DRV_Init(instance, &g_AdcUserConfigStruct);
// Configure ADC sample input channel. //
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.diffChns = kCAdcDiffChnANA4_5;
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.diffSelMode = kCAdcChnSelBoth;
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.gainMode = kCAdcSGainBy1;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSampleChn(instance, &g_AdcChnConfigStruct);
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.diffChns = kCAdcDiffChnANA6_7;
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.diffSelMode = kCAdcChnSelBoth;
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.gainMode = kCAdcSGainBy1;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSampleChn(instance, &g_AdcChnConfigStruct);
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.diffChns = kCAdcDiffChnANB4_5;
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.diffSelMode = kCAdcChnSelBoth;
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.gainMode = kCAdcSGainBy1;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSampleChn(instance, &g_AdcChnConfigStruct);
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.diffChns = kCAdcDiffChnANB6_7;
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.diffSelMode = kCAdcChnSelBoth;
g_AdcChnConfigStruct.gainMode = kCAdcSGainBy1;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSampleChn(instance, &g_AdcChnConfigStruct);
// Configure ADC converters. //
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.dmaEnable = false;
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.stopEnable = false; // Ungate the converter. //
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.syncEnable = false; // Software trigger only. //
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.endOfScanIntEnable = false; // No interrupt. //
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.clkDivValue = 0x4U;
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.useChnInputAsVrefH = false;
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.useChnInputAsVrefL = false;
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.speedMode = kCAdcConvClkLimitBy25MHz;
g_AdcConvConfigStruct.sampleWindowCount = 0U;
CADC_DRV_ConfigConverter(instance, kCAdcConvA, &g_AdcConvConfigStruct);
CADC_DRV_ConfigConverter(instance, kCAdcConvB, &g_AdcConvConfigStruct);
// Configure slot in conversion sequence. //
// Common setting. //
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.zeroCrossingMode = kCAdcZeroCrossingDisable;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.lowLimitValue = 0U;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.highLimitValue = 0xFFFU;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.offsetValue = 0U;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.syncPointEnable = false;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.syncIntEnable = false;
// For each slot in conversion sequence. //
// Slot 0. //
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.diffChns = kCAdcDiffChnANA4_5;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.diffSel = kCAdcChnSelBoth;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.slotDisable = false;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSeqSlot(instance, 0U, &g_AdcSlotConfigStruct);
// Slot 1. //
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.diffChns = kCAdcDiffChnANA6_7;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.diffSel = kCAdcChnSelBoth;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.slotDisable = false;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSeqSlot(instance, 1U, &g_AdcSlotConfigStruct);
// Slot 2. //
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.diffChns = kCAdcDiffChnANB4_5;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.diffSel = kCAdcChnSelBoth;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.slotDisable = false;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSeqSlot(instance, 2U, &g_AdcSlotConfigStruct);
// Slot 3. //
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.diffChns = kCAdcDiffChnANB6_7;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.diffSel = kCAdcChnSelBoth;
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.slotDisable = false;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSeqSlot(instance, 3U, &g_AdcSlotConfigStruct);
g_AdcSlotConfigStruct.slotDisable = true;
CADC_DRV_ConfigSeqSlot(instance, 4U, &g_AdcSlotConfigStruct);
Trigger the conversion sequence.
When in sequential simult mode, operate converter A will driver the
main conversion sequence.
// Wait the data to be ready. //
while (!CADC_DRV_GetSlotFlag(instance, 1U << 0U, kCAdcSlotReady)) { }
while (!CADC_DRV_GetSlotFlag(instance, 1U << 1U, kCAdcSlotReady)) { }
while (!CADC_DRV_GetSlotFlag(instance, 1U << 2U, kCAdcSlotReady)) { }
while (!CADC_DRV_GetSlotFlag(instance, 1U << 3U, kCAdcSlotReady)) { }
tmp = (int16_t)CADC_DRV_GetSeqSlotConvValue(instance, 0U);
PRINTF("ADC Slot %2d value: %d\r\n", 0U, tmp);
tmp = (int16_t)CADC_DRV_GetSeqSlotConvValue(instance, 1U);
PRINTF("ADC Slot %2d value: %d\r\n", 1U, tmp);
tmp = (int16_t)CADC_DRV_GetSeqSlotConvValue(instance, 2U);
PRINTF("ADC Slot %2d value: %d\r\n", 2U, tmp);
tmp = (int16_t)CADC_DRV_GetSeqSlotConvValue(instance, 3U);
PRINTF("ADC Slot %2d value: %d\r\n", 3U, tmp);
return 0U;


enum  cadc_conv_id_t {
  kCAdcConvA = 0U,
  kCAdcConvB = 1U
 Defines the type of enumerating ADC converter ID. More...
enum  cadc_flag_t {
  kCAdcConvInProgress = 0U,
  kCAdcConvEndOfScanInt = 1U,
  kCAdcConvPowerDown = 2U,
  kCAdcZeroCrossingInt = 3U,
  kCAdcLowLimitInt = 4U,
  kCAdcHighLimitInt = 5U,
  kCAdcSlotReady = 6U,
  kCAdcSlotLowLimitEvent = 7U,
  kCAdcSlotHighLimitEvent = 8U,
  kCAdcSlotCrossingEvent = 9U
 Defines types for an enumerating event. More...


ADC_Type * g_cadcBaseAddr []
 Table of base addresses for ADC instances. More...
 Table to save ADC IRQ enumeration numbers defined in the CMSIS header file. More...

CADC Driver

cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_StructInitUserConfigDefault (cadc_controller_config_t *userConfigPtr)
 Populates the user configuration structure for the CyclicADC common settings. More...
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_Init (uint32_t instance, const cadc_controller_config_t *userConfigPtr)
 Initializes the CyclicADC module for a global configuration. More...
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_Deinit (uint32_t instance)
 De-initializes the CyclicADC module. More...
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_StructInitConvConfigDefault (cadc_converter_config_t *configPtr)
 Populates the user configuration structure for each converter. More...
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_ConfigConverter (uint32_t instance, cadc_conv_id_t convId, const cadc_converter_config_t *configPtr)
 Configures each converter in the CyclicADC module. More...
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_ConfigSampleChn (uint32_t instance, const cadc_chn_config_t *configPtr)
 Configures the input channel for ADC conversion. More...
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_ConfigSeqSlot (uint32_t instance, uint32_t slotIdx, const cadc_slot_config_t *configPtr)
 Configures each slot for the ADC conversion sequence. More...
void CADC_DRV_SoftTriggerConv (uint32_t instance, cadc_conv_id_t convId)
 Triggers the ADC conversion sequence by software. More...
uint16_t CADC_DRV_GetSeqSlotConvValue (uint32_t instance, uint32_t slotIdx)
 Reads the conversion value and returns an absolute value. More...
bool CADC_DRV_GetFlag (uint32_t instance, cadc_flag_t flag)
 Gets the global event flag. More...
void CADC_DRV_ClearFlag (uint32_t instance, cadc_flag_t flag)
 Clears the global event flag. More...
bool CADC_DRV_GetConvFlag (uint32_t instance, cadc_conv_id_t convId, cadc_flag_t flag)
 Gets the flag for each converter event. More...
void CADC_DRV_ClearConvFlag (uint32_t instance, cadc_conv_id_t convId, cadc_flag_t flag)
 Clears the flag for each converter event. More...
uint16_t CADC_DRV_GetSlotFlag (uint32_t instance, uint16_t slotIdxMask, cadc_flag_t flag)
 Gets the flag for each slot event. More...
void CADC_DRV_ClearSlotFlag (uint32_t instance, uint16_t slotIdxMask, cadc_flag_t flag)
 Clears the flag for each slot event. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation


ID for ADC converter A.


ID for ADC converter B.


Conversion in progress for each converter.


End of scan interrupt.


The converter is powered Down.


Zero crossing interrupt.


Low limit interrupt.


High limit interrupt.


Sample is ready to be read.


Low limit event for each slot.


High limit event for each slot.


Zero crossing event for each slot.

Function Documentation

cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_StructInitUserConfigDefault ( cadc_controller_config_t userConfigPtr)

This function populates the cadc_user_config_t structure with default settings, which are used in polling mode for ADC conversion. These settings are:

.zeroCrossingIntEnable = false; .lowLimitIntEnable = false; .highLimitIntEnable = false; .scanMode = kCAdcScanOnceSequential; .parallelSimultModeEnable = false; .dmaSrc = kCAdcDmaTriggeredByEndOfScan; .autoStandbyEnable = false; .powerUpDelayCount = 0x2AU; .autoPowerDownEnable = false;

userConfigPtrPointer to structure of "cadc_controller_config_t".
Execution status.
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_Init ( uint32_t  instance,
const cadc_controller_config_t userConfigPtr 

This function configures the CyclicADC module for the global configuration which is shared by all converters.

instanceInstance ID number.
userConfigPtrPointer to structure of "cadc_controller_config_t".
Execution status.
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_Deinit ( uint32_t  instance)

This function shuts down the CyclicADC module and disables related IRQs.

instanceInstance ID number.
Execution status.
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_StructInitConvConfigDefault ( cadc_converter_config_t configPtr)

This function populates the cadc_conv_config_t structure with default settings, which are used in polling mode for ADC conversion. These settings are:

.dmaEnable = false; .stopEnable = false; .syncEnable = false; .endOfScanIntEnable = false; .clkDivValue = 0x3FU; .useChnInputAsVrefH = false; .useChnInputAsVrefL = false; .speedMode = kCAdcConvClkLimitBy25MHz; .sampleWindowCount = 0U;

configPtrPointer to structure of "cadc_converter_config_t".
Execution status.
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_ConfigConverter ( uint32_t  instance,
cadc_conv_id_t  convId,
const cadc_converter_config_t configPtr 

This function configures each converter in the CyclicADC module. However, when the multiple converters are operating simultaneously, the converter settings are interrelated. For more information, see the appropriate device reference manual.

instanceInstance ID number.
convIdConverter ID. See "cadc_conv_id_t".
configPtrPointer to configure structure. See "cadc_converter_config_t".
Execution status.
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_ConfigSampleChn ( uint32_t  instance,
const cadc_chn_config_t configPtr 

This function configures the input channel for ADC conversion. The CyclicADC module input channels are organized in pairs. The configuration can be set for each channel in the pair.

instanceInstance ID number.
configPtrPointer to configure structure. See "cadc_chn_config_t".
Execution status.
cadc_status_t CADC_DRV_ConfigSeqSlot ( uint32_t  instance,
uint32_t  slotIdx,
const cadc_slot_config_t configPtr 

This function configures each slot in the ADC conversion sequence. ADC conversion sequence is the basic execution unit in the CyclicADC module. However, the sequence should be configured slot-by-slot. The end of the sequence is a slot that is configured as disabled.

instanceInstance ID number.
slotIdxIndicated slot number, available in range of 0 - 15.
configPtrPointer to configure structure. See "cadc_slot_config_t".
Execution status.
void CADC_DRV_SoftTriggerConv ( uint32_t  instance,
cadc_conv_id_t  convId 

This function triggers the ADC conversion by executing a software command. It starts the conversion if no other SYNC input (hardware trigger) is needed.

instanceInstance ID number.
convIdIndicated converter. See "cadc_conv_id_t".
uint16_t CADC_DRV_GetSeqSlotConvValue ( uint32_t  instance,
uint32_t  slotIdx 

This function reads the conversion value from each slot in a conversion sequence. The return value is the absolute value without being signed.

instanceInstance ID number.
slotIdxIndicated slot number, available in range of 0 - 15.
The conversion value.
bool CADC_DRV_GetFlag ( uint32_t  instance,
cadc_flag_t  flag 

This function gets the global flag of the CyclicADC module.

instanceInstance ID number.
flagIndicated event. See "cadc_flag_t".
Assertion of indicated event.
void CADC_DRV_ClearFlag ( uint32_t  instance,
cadc_flag_t  flag 

This function clears the global event flag of the CyclicADC module.

instanceInstance ID number.
flagIndicated event. See "cadc_flag_t".
bool CADC_DRV_GetConvFlag ( uint32_t  instance,
cadc_conv_id_t  convId,
cadc_flag_t  flag 

This function gets the flag for each converter event.

instanceInstance ID number.
convIdIndicated converter.
flagIndicated event. See "cadc_flag_t".
Assertion of indicated event.
void CADC_DRV_ClearConvFlag ( uint32_t  instance,
cadc_conv_id_t  convId,
cadc_flag_t  flag 

This function clears the flag for each converter event.

instanceInstance ID number.
convIdIndicated converter.
flagIndicated event. See "cadc_flag_t".
uint16_t CADC_DRV_GetSlotFlag ( uint32_t  instance,
uint16_t  slotIdxMask,
cadc_flag_t  flag 

This function gets the flag for each slot event in the conversion in sequence.

instanceInstance ID number.
slotIdxMaskIndicated slot number's mask.
flagIndicated event. See "cadc_flag_t".
Assertion of indicated event.
void CADC_DRV_ClearSlotFlag ( uint32_t  instance,
uint16_t  slotIdxMask,
cadc_flag_t  flag 

This function clears the flag for each slot event in the conversion in sequence.

instanceInstance ID number.
slotIdxMaskIndicated slot number's mask.
flagIndicated event. See "cadc_flag_t".

Variable Documentation

ADC_Type* g_cadcBaseAddr[]