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Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual
Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
This section describes the programming interface of the LPUART HAL driver.
Data Structures | |
struct | lpuart_idle_line_config_t |
Structure for idle line configuration settings. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | lpuart_status_t |
Error codes for the LPUART driver. More... | |
enum | lpuart_stop_bit_count_t { kLpuartOneStopBit = 0x0U, kLpuartTwoStopBit = 0x1U } |
LPUART number of stop bits. More... | |
enum | lpuart_parity_mode_t { kLpuartParityDisabled = 0x0U, kLpuartParityEven = 0x2U, kLpuartParityOdd = 0x3U } |
LPUART parity mode. More... | |
enum | lpuart_bit_count_per_char_t { kLpuart8BitsPerChar = 0x0U, kLpuart9BitsPerChar = 0x1U, kLpuart10BitsPerChar = 0x2U } |
LPUART number of bits in a character. More... | |
enum | lpuart_operation_config_t { kLpuartOperates = 0x0U, kLpuartStops = 0x1U } |
LPUART operation configuration constants. More... | |
enum | lpuart_wakeup_method_t { kLpuartIdleLineWake = 0x0U, kLpuartAddrMarkWake = 0x1U } |
LPUART wakeup from standby method constants. More... | |
enum | lpuart_idle_line_select_t { kLpuartIdleLineAfterStartBit = 0x0U, kLpuartIdleLineAfterStopBit = 0x1U } |
LPUART idle line detect selection types. More... | |
enum | lpuart_break_char_length_t { kLpuartBreakChar10BitMinimum = 0x0U, kLpuartBreakChar13BitMinimum = 0x1U } |
LPUART break character length settings for transmit/detect. More... | |
enum | lpuart_singlewire_txdir_t { kLpuartSinglewireTxdirIn = 0x0U, kLpuartSinglewireTxdirOut = 0x1U } |
LPUART single-wire mode TX direction. More... | |
enum | lpuart_match_config_t { kLpuartAddressMatchWakeup = 0x0U, kLpuartIdleMatchWakeup = 0x1U, kLpuartMatchOnAndMatchOff = 0x2U, kLpuartEnablesRwuOnDataMatch = 0x3U } |
LPUART Configures the match addressing mode used. More... | |
enum | lpuart_ir_tx_pulsewidth_t { kLpuartIrThreeSixteenthsWidth = 0x0U, kLpuartIrOneSixteenthWidth = 0x1U, kLpuartIrOneThirtysecondsWidth = 0x2U, kLpuartIrOneFourthWidth = 0x3U } |
LPUART infra-red transmitter pulse width options. More... | |
enum | lpuart_idle_char_t { kLpuart_1_IdleChar = 0x0U, kLpuart_2_IdleChar = 0x1U, kLpuart_4_IdleChar = 0x2U, kLpuart_8_IdleChar = 0x3U, kLpuart_16_IdleChar = 0x4U, kLpuart_32_IdleChar = 0x5U, kLpuart_64_IdleChar = 0x6U, kLpuart_128_IdleChar = 0x7U } |
LPUART Configures the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set. More... | |
enum | lpuart_cts_source_t { kLpuartCtsSourcePin = 0x0U, kLpuartCtsSourceInvertedReceiverMatch = 0x1U } |
LPUART Transmits the CTS Configuration. More... | |
enum | lpuart_cts_config_t { kLpuartCtsSampledOnEachChar = 0x0U, kLpuartCtsSampledOnIdle = 0x1U } |
LPUART Transmits CTS Source.Configures if the CTS state is checked at the start of each character or only when the transmitter is idle. More... | |
enum | lpuart_rx_idle_empty_config_t { kLpuartRxidDisabled = 0x0U, kLpuartRxidEnabledFor1Char = 0x1U, kLpuartRxidEnabledFor2Char = 0x2U, kLpuartRxidEnabledFor4Char = 0x3U, kLpuartRxidEnabledFor8Char = 0x4U, kLpuartRxidEnabledFor16Char = 0x5U, kLpuartRxidEnabledFor32Char = 0x6U, kLpuartRxidEnabledFor64Char = 0x7U } |
LPUART Receiver Idle Empty Enable constants. More... | |
LPUART status flags. More... | |
LPUART interrupt configuration structure, default settings are 0 (disabled) More... | |
LPUART Common Configurations | |
void | LPUART_HAL_Init (LPUART_Type *base) |
Initializes the LPUART controller to known state. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetTransmitterCmd (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable) |
Enables/disables the LPUART transmitter. More... | |
static bool | LPUART_HAL_GetTransmitterCmd (LPUART_Type *base) |
Gets the LPUART transmitter enabled/disabled configuration. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetReceiverCmd (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable) |
Enables/disables the LPUART receiver. More... | |
static bool | LPUART_HAL_GetReceiverCmd (LPUART_Type *base) |
Gets the LPUART receiver enabled/disabled configuration. More... | |
lpuart_status_t | LPUART_HAL_SetBaudRate (LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClockInHz, uint32_t desiredBaudRate) |
Configures the LPUART baud rate. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetBaudRateDivisor (LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRateDivisor) |
Sets the LPUART baud rate modulo divisor. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SetBitCountPerChar (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_bit_count_per_char_t bitCountPerChar) |
Configures the number of bits per character in the LPUART controller. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SetParityMode (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_parity_mode_t parityModeType) |
Configures parity mode in the LPUART controller. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetStopBitCount (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_stop_bit_count_t stopBitCount) |
Configures the number of stop bits in the LPUART controller. More... | |
static uint32_t | LPUART_HAL_GetDataRegAddr (LPUART_Type *base) |
Gets the LPUART transmit/receive data register address. More... | |
LPUART Interrupts and DMA | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SetIntMode (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_interrupt_t interrupt, bool enable) |
Configures the LPUART module interrupts to enable/disable various interrupt sources. More... | |
bool | LPUART_HAL_GetIntMode (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_interrupt_t interrupt) |
Returns whether the LPUART module interrupts is enabled/disabled. More... | |
LPUART Transfer Functions | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_Putchar (LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t data) |
Sends the LPUART 8-bit character. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_Putchar9 (LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t data) |
Sends the LPUART 9-bit character. More... | |
lpuart_status_t | LPUART_HAL_Putchar10 (LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t data) |
Sends the LPUART 10-bit character. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_Getchar (LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *readData) |
Gets the LPUART 8-bit character. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_Getchar9 (LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t *readData) |
Gets the LPUART 9-bit character. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_Getchar10 (LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t *readData) |
Gets the LPUART 10-bit character. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SendDataPolling (LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, uint32_t txSize) |
Sends out multiple bytes of data using the polling method. More... | |
lpuart_status_t | LPUART_HAL_ReceiveDataPolling (LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint32_t rxSize) |
Receives multiple bytes of data using the polling method. More... | |
LPUART Status Flags | |
bool | LPUART_HAL_GetStatusFlag (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_status_flag_t statusFlag) |
LPUART get status flag. More... | |
lpuart_status_t | LPUART_HAL_ClearStatusFlag (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_status_flag_t statusFlag) |
LPUART clears an individual status flag (see lpuart_status_flag_t for list of status bits). More... | |
LPUART Special Feature Configurations | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetIdleChar (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_idle_char_t idleConfig) |
Configures the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set. More... | |
static lpuart_idle_char_t | LPUART_HAL_GetIdleChar (LPUART_Type *base) |
Gets the configuration of the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set. More... | |
static bool | LPUART_HAL_IsCurrentDataWithNoise (LPUART_Type *base) |
Checks whether the current data word was received with noise. More... | |
static bool | LPUART_HAL_IsCurrentDataWithFrameError (LPUART_Type *base) |
Checks whether the current data word was received with frame error. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetTxSpecialChar (LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t specialChar) |
Indicates a break or that the idle character is to be transmitted instead of the contents in DATA[T9:T0]. More... | |
static bool | LPUART_HAL_IsCurrentDataWithParityError (LPUART_Type *base) |
Checks whether the current data word was received with parity error. More... | |
static bool | LPUART_HAL_IsReceiveBufferEmpty (LPUART_Type *base) |
Checks whether the receive buffer is empty. More... | |
static bool | LPUART_HAL_WasPreviousReceiverStateIdle (LPUART_Type *base) |
Checks whether the previous BUS state was idle before this byte is received. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetWaitModeOperation (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_operation_config_t mode) |
Configures the LPUART operation in wait mode (operates or stops operations in wait mode). More... | |
static lpuart_operation_config_t | LPUART_HAL_GetWaitModeOperation (LPUART_Type *base) |
Gets the LPUART operation in wait mode (operates or stops operations in wait mode). More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SetLoopbackCmd (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable) |
Configures the LPUART loopback operation (enables/disables the loopback operation). More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SetSingleWireCmd (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable) |
Configures the LPUART single-wire operation (enables/disables the single-wire mode). More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetTxdirInSinglewireMode (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_singlewire_txdir_t direction) |
Configures the LPUART transmit direction while in single-wire mode. More... | |
lpuart_status_t | LPUART_HAL_SetReceiverInStandbyMode (LPUART_Type *base) |
Places the LPUART receiver in standby mode. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_PutReceiverInNormalMode (LPUART_Type *base) |
Places the LPUART receiver in a normal mode (disable standby mode operation). More... | |
static bool | LPUART_HAL_IsReceiverInStandby (LPUART_Type *base) |
Checks whether the LPUART receiver is in a standby mode. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetReceiverWakeupMode (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_wakeup_method_t method) |
LPUART receiver wakeup method (idle line or addr-mark) from standby mode. More... | |
static lpuart_wakeup_method_t | LPUART_HAL_GetReceiverWakeupMode (LPUART_Type *base) |
Gets the LPUART receiver wakeup method (idle line or addr-mark) from standby mode. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SetIdleLineDetect (LPUART_Type *base, const lpuart_idle_line_config_t *config) |
LPUART idle-line detect operation configuration (idle line bit-count start and wake up affect on IDLE status bit). More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetBreakCharTransmitLength (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_break_char_length_t length) |
LPUART break character transmit length configuration. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetBreakCharDetectLength (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_break_char_length_t length) |
LPUART break character detect length configuration. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_QueueBreakCharToSend (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable) |
LPUART transmit sends break character configuration. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetMatchAddressMode (LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_match_config_t config) |
LPUART configures match address mode control. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SetMatchAddressReg1 (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable, uint8_t value) |
Configures address match register 1. More... | |
void | LPUART_HAL_SetMatchAddressReg2 (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable, uint8_t value) |
Configures address match register 2. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetSendMsbFirstCmd (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable) |
LPUART sends the MSB first configuration. More... | |
static void | LPUART_HAL_SetReceiveResyncCmd (LPUART_Type *base, bool enable) |
LPUART enable/disable re-sync of received data configuration. More... | |
struct lpuart_idle_line_config_t |
Data Fields | |
unsigned | idleLineType: 1 |
ILT, Idle bit count start: 0 - after start bit (default), 1 - after stop bit. | |
unsigned | rxWakeIdleDetect: 1 |
RWUID, Receiver Wake Up Idle Detect. More... | |
unsigned lpuart_idle_line_config_t::rxWakeIdleDetect |
IDLE status bit operation during receive standbyControls whether idle character that wakes up receiver will also set IDLE status bit 0 - IDLE status bit doesn't get set (default), 1 - IDLE status bit gets set
enum lpuart_status_t |
enum lpuart_parity_mode_t |
The actual maximum bit times may vary depending on the LPUART instance.
enum lpuart_idle_char_t |
enum lpuart_cts_source_t |
enum lpuart_cts_config_t |
enum lpuart_status_flag_t |
This provides constants for the LPUART status flags for use in the UART functions.
enum lpuart_interrupt_t |
void LPUART_HAL_Init | ( | LPUART_Type * | base | ) |
base | LPUART base pointer. |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer. |
enable | Enable(true) or disable(false) transmitter. |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
enable | Enable(true) or disable(false) receiver. |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
lpuart_status_t LPUART_HAL_SetBaudRate | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
uint32_t | sourceClockInHz, | ||
uint32_t | desiredBaudRate | ||
) |
In some LPUART instances the user must disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer. |
sourceClockInHz | LPUART source input clock in Hz. |
desiredBaudRate | LPUART desired baud rate. |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer. |
baudRateDivisor | The baud rate modulo division "SBR" |
void LPUART_HAL_SetBitCountPerChar | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
lpuart_bit_count_per_char_t | bitCountPerChar | ||
) |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer. |
bitCountPerChar | Number of bits per char (8, 9, or 10, depending on the LPUART instance) |
void LPUART_HAL_SetParityMode | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
lpuart_parity_mode_t | parityModeType | ||
) |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer. |
parityModeType | Parity mode (enabled, disable, odd, even - see parity_mode_t struct) |
inlinestatic |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer. |
stopBitCount | Number of stop bits (1 or 2 - see lpuart_stop_bit_count_t struct) |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer. |
void LPUART_HAL_SetIntMode | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
lpuart_interrupt_t | interrupt, | ||
bool | enable | ||
) |
base | LPUART module base pointer. |
interrupt | LPUART interrupt configuration data. |
enable | true: enable, false: disable. |
bool LPUART_HAL_GetIntMode | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
lpuart_interrupt_t | interrupt | ||
) |
base | LPUART module base pointer. |
interrupt | LPUART interrupt configuration data. |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART Instance |
data | data to send (8-bit) |
void LPUART_HAL_Putchar9 | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
uint16_t | data | ||
) |
base | LPUART Instance |
data | data to send (9-bit) |
lpuart_status_t LPUART_HAL_Putchar10 | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
uint16_t | data | ||
) |
Note that this feature is available on select LPUART instances.
base | LPUART Instance |
data | data to send (10-bit) |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
readData | Data read from receive (8-bit) |
void LPUART_HAL_Getchar9 | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
uint16_t * | readData | ||
) |
base | LPUART base pointer |
readData | Data read from receive (9-bit) |
void LPUART_HAL_Getchar10 | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
uint16_t * | readData | ||
) |
base | LPUART base pointer |
readData | Data read from receive (10-bit) |
void LPUART_HAL_SendDataPolling | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
const uint8_t * | txBuff, | ||
uint32_t | txSize | ||
) |
This function only supports 8-bit transaction.
base | LPUART module base pointer. |
txBuff | The buffer pointer which saves the data to be sent. |
txSize | Size of data to be sent in unit of byte. |
lpuart_status_t LPUART_HAL_ReceiveDataPolling | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
uint8_t * | rxBuff, | ||
uint32_t | rxSize | ||
) |
This function only supports 8-bit transaction.
base | LPUART module base pointer. |
rxBuff | The buffer pointer which saves the data to be received. |
rxSize | Size of data need to be received in unit of byte. |
bool LPUART_HAL_GetStatusFlag | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
lpuart_status_flag_t | statusFlag | ||
) |
base | LPUART base pointer |
statusFlag | The status flag to query |
lpuart_status_t LPUART_HAL_ClearStatusFlag | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
lpuart_status_flag_t | statusFlag | ||
) |
base | LPUART base pointer |
statusFlag | Desired LPUART status flag to clear |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
idleConfig | Idle characters configuration |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer. |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
specialChar | T9 is used to indicate a break character when 0 an idle character when 1, the contents of DATA[T8:T0] should be zero. |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer |
mode | LPUART wait mode operation - operates or stops to operate in wait mode. |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
void LPUART_HAL_SetLoopbackCmd | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
bool | enable | ||
) |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer |
enable | LPUART loopback mode - disabled (0) or enabled (1) |
void LPUART_HAL_SetSingleWireCmd | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
bool | enable | ||
) |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer |
enable | LPUART loopback mode - disabled (0) or enabled (1) |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
direction | LPUART single-wire transmit direction - input or output |
lpuart_status_t LPUART_HAL_SetReceiverInStandbyMode | ( | LPUART_Type * | base | ) |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
method | LPUART wakeup method: 0 - Idle-line wake (default), 1 - addr-mark wake |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
void LPUART_HAL_SetIdleLineDetect | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
const lpuart_idle_line_config_t * | config | ||
) |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer |
config | LPUART configuration data for idle line detect operation |
inlinestatic |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer |
length | LPUART break character length setting: 0 - minimum 10-bit times (default), 1 - minimum 13-bit times |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
length | LPUART break character length setting: 0 - minimum 10-bit times (default), 1 - minimum 13-bit times |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
enable | LPUART normal/queue break char - disabled (normal mode, default: 0) or enabled (queue break char: 1) |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
config | MATCFG: Configures the match addressing mode used. |
void LPUART_HAL_SetMatchAddressReg1 | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
bool | enable, | ||
uint8_t | value | ||
) |
The MAEN bit must be cleared before configuring the MA value. Therefore, the enable/disable and set value must be included inside one function.
base | LPUART base pointer |
enable | Match address model enable (true)/disable (false) |
value | Match address value to program into match address register 1 |
void LPUART_HAL_SetMatchAddressReg2 | ( | LPUART_Type * | base, |
bool | enable, | ||
uint8_t | value | ||
) |
The MAEN bit must be cleared before configuring MA value. Therefore, the enable/disable and set value must be included inside one function.
base | LPUART base pointer |
enable | Match address model enable (true)/disable (false) |
value | Match address value to program into match address register 2 |
inlinestatic |
In some LPUART instances, the user should disable the transmitter/receiver before calling this function. Generally, this may be applied to all LPUARTs to ensure safe operation.
base | LPUART base pointer |
enable | false - LSB (default, disabled), true - MSB (enabled) |
inlinestatic |
base | LPUART base pointer |
enable | re-sync of received data word configuration: true - re-sync of received data word (default) false - disable the re-sync |