Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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LTC HASH driver


This section describes the programming interface of the LTC HASH driver.

Data Structures

union  ltc_drv_hash_block
 16-byte block represented as byte array or four 32-bit words More...
struct  ltc_drv_hash_ctx
 Data structure with hash context. More...


enum  ltc_drv_hash_algo_state {
  kLtcHashInit = 1u,
 Internal states of the HASH creation process. More...
enum  ltc_drv_hash_algo {
  kLtcXcbcMac = kLTCMode_XCBC_MAC,
  kLtcCMAC = kLTCMode_CMAC
 Supported cryptographic block cipher functions for HASH creation. More...
enum  ltc_drv_hash_ctx_indexes {
  kLtcHashCtxKeyStartIdx = 12,
  kLtcHashCtxKeySize = 20,
  kLtcHashCtxNumWords = 21
 Definitions of indexes into hash context array. More...


ltc_status_t LTC_DRV_hash_init (uint32_t instance, ltc_drv_hash_ctx *ctx, ltc_drv_hash_algo algo, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize)
 Initialize HASH context. More...
ltc_status_t LTC_DRV_hash_update (ltc_drv_hash_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *input, uint32_t inputSize)
 Add data to current HASH. More...
ltc_status_t LTC_DRV_hash_finish (ltc_drv_hash_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *output, uint32_t *outputSize)
 Finalize hashing. More...
ltc_status_t LTC_DRV_hash (uint32_t instance, ltc_drv_hash_algo algo, const uint8_t *input, uint32_t inputSize, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, uint8_t *output, uint32_t *outputSize)
 Create HASH on given data. More...

Data Structure Documentation

union ltc_drv_hash_block

Data Fields

uint8_t b [16]
 byte array
uint32_t w [4]
 array of 32-bit words
struct ltc_drv_hash_ctx

XCBC-MAC needs to store 48 bytes of context (MAC, K2 and K3) between message chunks processing.
CMAC needs less (32 bytes) of context (MAC and L) between message chunks processing.

In both modes, also the derived AES key must be restored from the context.

If state of the hash software process is kLtcCmacInit, the context is defined as follows
word[20] = key_size = word[kLtcCmacCtxKeySize]
word[12-19] = init key

If state of the hash software process is kLtcCmacUpdate, the context for kLtcXcbcMac hash is defined as follows
word[0-3] = mac
word[3-7] = k3
word[8-11] = k2
word[12-19] = k1
word[20] = key_size = word[kLtcCmacCtxKeySize]

If state of the hash software process is kLtcCmacUpdate, the context for kLtcCMAC hash is defined as follows
word[0-3] = mac
word[3-7] = L
word[12-19] = k1
word[20] = key_size = word[kLtcCmacCtxKeySize]

During hash updates we only process 16-byte blocks. If we have less data then keep them only in context. The 'blk' memory buffer is flushed to LTC during hash finish.

Data Fields

ltc_drv_hash_block blk
 memory buffer. More...
uint32_t blksz
 number of valid bytes in memory buffer
uint32_t instance
 LTC module instance number.
ltc_drv_hash_algo algo
 selected algorithm from the set of supported algorithms in ltc_drv_hash_algo
ltc_drv_hash_algo_state state
 finite machine state of the hash software process
uint32_t word [kLtcHashCtxNumWords]
 LTC module context that needs to be saved/restored between LTC jobs.

Field Documentation

ltc_drv_hash_block ltc_drv_hash_ctx::blk

only full 16-byte blocks are written to LTC during hash updates

Enumeration Type Documentation


Key in the HASH context is the input key.


HASH context has algorithm specific context: MAC, K2 and K3 (XCBC-MAC) or MAC and L (CMAC).

Key in the HASH context is the derived key.


XCBC-MAC (AES engine)


CMAC (AES engine)


context word array index where key is stored


context word array index where key size is stored


number of context array 32-bit words

Function Documentation

ltc_status_t LTC_DRV_hash_init ( uint32_t  instance,
ltc_drv_hash_ctx ctx,
ltc_drv_hash_algo  algo,
const uint8_t *  key,
uint32_t  keySize 

This function initialize the HASH with a given key, and selects a block cipher to use.

For XCBC-MAC, the key length must be 16. For CMAC, the key length can be the AES key lengths supported by AES engine.

instanceLTC module instance number.
[out]ctxOutput hash context
algoBlock cipher algorithm to use for HASH creation
keyInput key
keySizeSize of input key in bytes
0 on succes, or kFSLCryptErrInvalidKeyLength
ltc_status_t LTC_DRV_hash_update ( ltc_drv_hash_ctx ctx,
const uint8_t *  input,
uint32_t  inputSize 

Add data to current HASH. This can be called repeatedly with an arbitrary amount of data to be hashed.

[in,out]ctxHASH context
inputInput data
inputSizeSize of input data in bytes
Status of the hash update operation
ltc_status_t LTC_DRV_hash_finish ( ltc_drv_hash_ctx ctx,
uint8_t *  output,
uint32_t *  outputSize 

Outputs the final hash and erases the context.

[in,out]ctxInput hash context
[out]outputOutput hash data
[out]outputSizeOutput param storing the size of the output hash in bytes
Status of the hash finish operation
ltc_status_t LTC_DRV_hash ( uint32_t  instance,
ltc_drv_hash_algo  algo,
const uint8_t *  input,
uint32_t  inputSize,
const uint8_t *  key,
uint32_t  keySize,
uint8_t *  output,
uint32_t *  outputSize 

Peform the full keyed HASH in one function call.

instanceLTC module instance number.
algoBlock cipher algorithm to use for CMAC creation
inputInput data
inputSizeSize of input data in bytes
keyInput key
keySizeSize of input key in bytes
[out]outputOutput hash data
[out]outputSizeOutput param storing the size of the output hash in bytes
Status of the one call hash operation.