Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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FreeRTOS Abstraction Layer

The Kinetis SDK provides the FreeRTOS Abstraction Layer for synchronization, mutual exclusion, message queue, etc. More...


Data Structures

struct  event_freertos
 Type for an event group object in FreeRTOS OS. More...


 Constant to pass as timeout value in order to wait indefinitely. More...
 OSA's time range in millisecond, OSA time wraps if exceeds this value. More...
#define OSA_DEFAULT_INT_HANDLER   ((osa_int_handler_t)(&DefaultISR))
 The default interrupt handler installed in vector table. More...
 The Max depth of Enter/Exist Critical could be nested in interrupt. More...


typedef TaskHandle_t task_handler_t
 Type for a task handler, returned by the OSA_TaskCreate function. More...
typedef portSTACK_TYPE task_stack_t
 Type for a task stack. More...
typedef void * task_param_t
 Type for task parameter.
typedef pdTASK_CODE task_t
 Type for a task function. More...
typedef xSemaphoreHandle mutex_t
 Type for a mutex. More...
typedef xSemaphoreHandle semaphore_t
 Type for a semaphore. More...
typedef EventBits_t event_flags_t
 Type for an event flags object. More...
typedef event_freertos event_t
 Type for an event group object.
typedef xQueueHandle msg_queue_t
 Type for a message queue declaration and creation. More...
typedef xQueueHandle msg_queue_handler_t
 Type for a message queue handler.

Thread management

#define OSA_TASK_DEFINE(task, stackSize)
 Creates a task descriptor that is used to create the task with OSA_TaskCreate. More...
#define PRIORITY_OSA_TO_RTOS(osa_prio)   (configMAX_PRIORITIES - (osa_prio) -2)
 To provide unified task piority for upper layer, OSA layer makes conversion.
#define PRIORITY_RTOS_TO_OSA(rtos_prio)   (configMAX_PRIORITIES - (rtos_prio) -2)

Message queues

#define MSG_QUEUE_DECLARE(name, number, size)   msg_queue_t *name = NULL
 This macro statically reserves the memory required for the queue. More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct event_freertos

Data Fields

EventGroupHandle_t eventHandler
 FreeRTOS OS event handler.
osa_event_clear_mode_t clearMode
 Auto clear or manual clear.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define OSA_DEFAULT_INT_HANDLER   ((osa_int_handler_t)(&DefaultISR))
#define OSA_TASK_DEFINE (   task,
task_stack_t* task##_stack = NULL; \
task_handler_t task##_task_handler
uint32_t task_stack_t
Type for a task stack.
Definition: fsl_os_abstraction_bm.h:104
TaskHandle_t task_handler_t
Type for a task handler, returned by the OSA_TaskCreate function.
Definition: fsl_os_abstraction_free_rtos.h:93
taskThe task function.
stackSizeNumber of elements in the stack for this task.
#define MSG_QUEUE_DECLARE (   name,
)    msg_queue_t *name = NULL
nameIdentifier for the memory region.
numberNumber of elements in the queue.
sizeSize of every elements in words.

Typedef Documentation

typedef TaskHandle_t task_handler_t
typedef portSTACK_TYPE task_stack_t
typedef pdTASK_CODE task_t
typedef xSemaphoreHandle mutex_t
typedef xSemaphoreHandle semaphore_t
typedef EventBits_t event_flags_t
typedef xQueueHandle msg_queue_t