MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
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RNGA: Random Number Generator Accelerator Driver


The MCUXpresso SDK provides Peripheral driver for the Random Number Generator Accelerator (RNGA) block of MCUXpresso SDK devices.

RNGA Initialization

  1. To initialize the RNGA module, call the RNGA_Init() function. This function automatically enables the RNGA module and its clock.
  2. After calling the RNGA_Init() function, the RNGA is enabled and the counter starts working.
  3. To disable the RNGA module, call the RNGA_Deinit() function.

Get random data from RNGA

  1. RNGA_GetRandomData() function gets random data from the RNGA module.

RNGA Set/Get Working Mode

The RNGA works either in sleep mode or normal mode

  1. RNGA_SetMode() function sets the RNGA mode.
  2. RNGA_GetMode() function gets the RNGA working mode.


  1. RNGA_Seed() function inputs an entropy value that the RNGA can use to seed the pseudo random algorithm.

This example code shows how to initialize and get random data from the RNGA driver:

status_t status;
uint32_t data;
/* Initialize RNGA */
status = RNGA_Init(RNG);
/* Read Random data*/
status = RNGA_GetRandomData(RNG, data, sizeof(data));
if(status == kStatus_Success)
/* Print data*/
PRINTF("Random = 0x%X\r\n", i, data );
PRINTF("RNGA failed! (0x%x)\r\n", status);
/* Deinitialize RNGA*/
It is important to note that there is no known cryptographic proof showing this is a secure method for generating random data. In fact, there may be an attack against this random number generator if its output is used directly in a cryptographic application. The attack is based on the linearity of the internal shift registers. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the random data produced by this module be used as an entropy source to provide an input seed to a NIST-approved pseudo-random-number generator based on DES or SHA-1 and defined in NIST FIPS PUB 186-2 Appendix 3 and NIST FIPS PUB SP 800-90. The requirement is needed to maximize the entropy of this input seed. To do this, when data is extracted from RNGA as quickly as the hardware allows, there are one to two bits of added entropy per 32-bit word. Any single bit of that word contains that entropy. Therefore, when used as an entropy source, a random number should be generated for each bit of entropy required and the least significant bit (any bit would be equivalent) of each word retained. The remainder of each random number should then be discarded. Used this way, even with full knowledge of the internal state of RNGA and all prior random numbers, an attacker is not able to predict the values of the extracted bits. Other sources of entropy can be used along with RNGA to generate the seed to the pseudorandom algorithm. The more random sources combined to create the seed, the better. The following is a list of sources that can be easily combined with the output of this module.
  • Current time using highest precision possible
  • Real-time system inputs that can be characterized as "random"
  • Other entropy supplied directly by the user


enum  rnga_mode_t {
  kRNGA_ModeNormal = 0U,
  kRNGA_ModeSleep = 1U
 RNGA working mode. More...


void RNGA_Init (RNG_Type *base)
 Initializes the RNGA. More...
void RNGA_Deinit (RNG_Type *base)
 Shuts down the RNGA. More...
status_t RNGA_GetRandomData (RNG_Type *base, void *data, size_t data_size)
 Gets random data. More...
void RNGA_Seed (RNG_Type *base, uint32_t seed)
 Feeds the RNGA module. More...
void RNGA_SetMode (RNG_Type *base, rnga_mode_t mode)
 Sets the RNGA in normal mode or sleep mode. More...
rnga_mode_t RNGA_GetMode (RNG_Type *base)
 Gets the RNGA working mode. More...

Driver version

 RNGA driver version 2.0.1. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


Enumeration Type Documentation


Normal Mode.

The ring-oscillator clocks are active; RNGA generates entropy (randomness) from the clocks and stores it in shift registers.


Sleep Mode.

The ring-oscillator clocks are inactive; RNGA does not generate entropy.

Function Documentation

void RNGA_Init ( RNG_Type *  base)

This function initializes the RNGA. When called, the RNGA entropy generation starts immediately.

baseRNGA base address
void RNGA_Deinit ( RNG_Type *  base)

This function shuts down the RNGA.

baseRNGA base address
status_t RNGA_GetRandomData ( RNG_Type *  base,
void *  data,
size_t  data_size 

This function gets random data from the RNGA.

baseRNGA base address
datapointer to user buffer to be filled by random data
data_sizesize of data in bytes
RNGA status
void RNGA_Seed ( RNG_Type *  base,
uint32_t  seed 

This function inputs an entropy value that the RNGA uses to seed its pseudo-random algorithm.

baseRNGA base address
seedinput seed value
void RNGA_SetMode ( RNG_Type *  base,
rnga_mode_t  mode 

This function sets the RNGA in sleep mode or normal mode.

baseRNGA base address
modenormal mode or sleep mode
rnga_mode_t RNGA_GetMode ( RNG_Type *  base)

This function gets the RNGA working mode.

baseRNGA base address
normal mode or sleep mode