![]() |
Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual
Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
The section describes the enumerations, macros and data structures for KM34Z7 SIM HAL driver.
Files | |
file | fsl_sim_hal_MKM34Z7.h |
Enumerations | |
enum | clock_wdog_src_t { , kClockWdogSrcLpoClk, kClockWdogSrcAltClk, kClockWdogSrcLpoClk, kClockWdogSrcAltClk, kClockWdogSrcLpoClk, kClockWdogSrcAltClk, kClockWdogSrcLpoClk, kClockWdogSrcAltClk, kClockWdogSrcLpoClk, kClockWdogSrcAltClk } |
WDOG clock source select. More... | |
enum | clock_afe_src_t |
AFE clock source select. More... | |
enum | clock_lptmr_src_t { , kClockLptmrSrcMcgIrClk, kClockLptmrSrcLpoClk, kClockLptmrSrcEr32kClk, kClockLptmrSrcOsc0erClkUndiv, kClockLptmrSrcMcgIrClk, kClockLptmrSrcLpoClk, kClockLptmrSrcEr32kClk, kClockLptmrSrcOsc0erClkUndiv, kClockLptmrSrcMcgIrClk, kClockLptmrSrcLpoClk, kClockLptmrSrcEr32kClk, kClockLptmrSrcOsc0erClkUndiv, kClockLptmrSrcMcgIrClk, kClockLptmrSrcLpoClk, kClockLptmrSrcEr32kClk, kClockLptmrSrcOsc0erClkUndiv, kClockLptmrSrcMcgIrClk, kClockLptmrSrcLpoClk, kClockLptmrSrcEr32kClk, kClockLptmrSrcOsc0erClkUndiv } |
LPTMR clock source select, table 5-2. More... | |
enum | clock_slcd_src_t |
LCD clock source select, table 5-2. | |
enum | clock_er32k_src_t { , kClockEr32kSrcOsc0 = 0U, kClockEr32kSrcLpo = 3U, kClockEr32kSrcOsc0 = 0U, kClockEr32kSrcLpo = 3U, kClockEr32kSrcOsc0 = 0U, kClockEr32kSrcLpo = 3U, kClockEr32kSrcOsc0 = 0U, kClockEr32kSrcLpo = 3U, kClockEr32kSrcOsc0 = 0U, kClockEr32kSrcLpo = 3U } |
SIM external reference clock source select (OSC32KSEL) More... | |
enum | clock_clkout_src_t |
SIM CLKOUT_SEL clock source select. | |
enum | clock_rtcout_src_t |
SIM RTCCLKSEL clock source select, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | clock_lpuart_src_t |
SIM LPUART clock source selection, SIM_CTRL_REG. | |
enum | sim_tmr_cnt_freeze_sel_t |
SIM TMR counter freeze control, SIM_CTRL_REG. | |
enum | sim_afe_clk_div_sel_t |
SIM AFE clock out dividing setting, SIM_CTRL_REG. | |
enum | clock_xbar_out_src_t |
SIM XBAR clock out source select, SIM_CTRL_REG. | |
enum | clock_pllfll_sel_t |
SIM PLLFLLSEL clock source select, SIM_CTRL_REG. | |
enum | sim_spi_out_invert_sel_t |
SIM SPI output signal inverting setting, SIM_CTRL_REG. | |
enum | sim_sadc_trg_clk_sel_t |
SIM SAR ADC trigger clock select, SIM_CTRL_REG. | |
enum | sim_lptmr_src_sel_t |
SIM LP timer channel x source selection, SIM_SOPT1_CFG. | |
enum | sim_vref_buff_input_sel_t |
SIM VrefBuffer input selection, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | sim_tmr_Primary_src_sel_t |
SIM Quadtimer channel x primary count source selection, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | sim_tmr_sencond_src_sel_t |
SIM Quadtimer channel x secondary count source selection. | |
enum | clock_tmr0_pll_src_t |
SIM Timer channel 0 PLL clock selection, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | sim_ewm_input_sel_t |
SIM External watchdog monitor input selection, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | sim_uart_irda_sel_t |
SIM UARTx IRDA selection, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | sim_uart_irda_type_sel_t |
SIM UARTx IRDA modulation type selection, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | sim_afe_clk_pad_dir_t |
SIM, Controls the direction of the AFE CLK pin, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | sim_dma_done_sel_t |
SIM DMA done selection, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
enum | sim_adc_trg_src_sel_t |
SIM ADC trigger source selection, SIM_MISC_CTL. | |
IP related clock feature APIs | |
static void | SIM_HAL_EnableClock (SIM_Type *base, sim_clock_gate_name_t name) |
Enable the clock for specific module. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_DisableClock (SIM_Type *base, sim_clock_gate_name_t name) |
Disable the clock for specific module. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetGateCmd (SIM_Type *base, sim_clock_gate_name_t name) |
Get the the clock gate state for specific module. More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetSRamSize (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Kinetis system RAM size in the System Options register 1(SIM_SOPT1). More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetExternalRefClock32kSrc (SIM_Type *base, clock_er32k_src_t setting) |
Set the clock selection of ERCLK32K. More... | |
static clock_er32k_src_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetExternalRefClock32kSrc (SIM_Type *base) |
Get the clock selection of ERCLK32K. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetRamBitlinePrechargeCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool enable) |
Sets the RAM Bitline Precharge enable setting. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetRamBitlinePrechargeCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the RAM Bitline Precharge enable setting. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetRamSrcBiasCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool disable) |
Sets the source bias of SRAM arrays enable setting. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetRamSrcBiasCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the source bias of SRAM arrays enable setting. More... | |
void | SIM_HAL_SetLptmrChSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t channel, sim_lptmr_src_sel_t select) |
Sets the LPTMR channel x source select setting. More... | |
sim_lptmr_src_sel_t | SIM_HAL_GetLptmrChSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t channel) |
Gets the LPTMR channel x source select setting. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetClkOutSel (SIM_Type *base, clock_clkout_src_t setting) |
Set CLKOUTSEL selection. More... | |
static clock_clkout_src_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetClkOutSel (SIM_Type *base) |
Get CLKOUTSEL selection. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetSAdcTrgClkSel (SIM_Type *base, sim_sadc_trg_clk_sel_t setting) |
Set SAR ADC trigger clock selection. More... | |
static sim_sadc_trg_clk_sel_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetSAdcTrgClkSel (SIM_Type *base) |
Get the SAR ADC trigger clock selection. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetTmrCntFreezeCmd (SIM_Type *base, sim_tmr_cnt_freeze_sel_t setting) |
Set TMR counter freeze setting. More... | |
static sim_tmr_cnt_freeze_sel_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetTmrCntFreezeCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Get the TMR counter freeze setting. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetLpuartClkSel (SIM_Type *base, clock_lpuart_src_t setting) |
Set LPUART clock source selection. More... | |
static clock_lpuart_src_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetLpuartClkSel (SIM_Type *base) |
Get the LPUART clock source selection. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetAfeOutDivCmd (SIM_Type *base, sim_afe_clk_div_sel_t setting) |
Set AFE output clock dividing setting. More... | |
static sim_afe_clk_div_sel_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetAfeOutDivCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Get the AFE output clock dividing setting. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetXbarOutSel (SIM_Type *base, clock_xbar_out_src_t setting) |
Set XBARCLKOUT selection. More... | |
static clock_xbar_out_src_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetXbarOutSel (SIM_Type *base) |
Get XBARCLKOUT selection. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetPllfllSel (SIM_Type *base, clock_pllfll_sel_t setting) |
Set PLL/FLL clock selection. More... | |
static clock_pllfll_sel_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetPllfllSel (SIM_Type *base) |
Get PLL/FLL clock selection. More... | |
void | CLOCK_HAL_SetSpiOutInvCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t inv_type, sim_spi_out_invert_sel_t setting) |
Set SPI output signal inverting setting. More... | |
sim_spi_out_invert_sel_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetSpiOutInvCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, uint8_t inv_type) |
Get the SPI output signal inverting setting. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetPllInVlpCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool enable) |
Sets the PLL VLP enable setting. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetPllInVlpCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the PLL VLP enable setting. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetNmiDisCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool disable) |
Sets the NMI feature enable setting. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetNmiDisCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the NMI feature enable setting. More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetFamilyId (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Kinetis Family ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetSubFamilyId (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Kinetis Sub-Family ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetSeriesId (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Kinetis SeriesID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetAttributeId (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Attribute ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetSRamSizeId (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the SRAM SIZE in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetRevId (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Kinetis Revision ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetDieId (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Kinetis Die ID in the System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetPinCntId (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Kinetis Pincount ID in System Device ID register (SIM_SDID). More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetSysDiv (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t setting) |
Set system clock divider. More... | |
static uint8_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetSysDiv (SIM_Type *base) |
Get SYSDIV. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetBusDiv (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t setting) |
Set BUS clock divider. More... | |
static uint8_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetBusDiv (SIM_Type *base) |
Get BUS clock divider value. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetFlashClkMode (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t setting) |
Set FLASH clock mode. More... | |
static uint8_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetFlashClkMode (SIM_Type *base) |
Get FLASH clock mode value. More... | |
void | CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t sysDiv, uint8_t busDiv, uint8_t flashclkmode) |
Set all clock out dividers setting at one time. More... | |
void | CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t *sysDiv, uint8_t *busDiv, uint8_t *flashclkmode) |
Get all clock out dividers setting at one time. More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetProgramFlashSize (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the program flash size in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetFlashDoze (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t setting) |
Sets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetFlashDoze (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG). More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetFlashDisableCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool disable) |
Sets the Flash disable setting. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetRamSize (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the RAM size. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetFlashDisableCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Flash disable setting. More... | |
static uint32_t | SIM_HAL_GetFlashMaxAddrBlock0 (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Flash maximum address block in the Flash Configuration Register 2(SIM_FCFG2). More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetVrefBuffPowerDownCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool enable) |
Sets the VrefBuffer enable setting. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetVrefBuffPowerDownCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the VrefBuffer enable setting. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetVrefBuffInputSel (SIM_Type *base, sim_vref_buff_input_sel_t setting) |
Set the VrefBuffer input selection. More... | |
static sim_vref_buff_input_sel_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetVrefBuffInputSel (SIM_Type *base) |
Get the VrefBuffer input selection. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetVrefBuffOutCmd (SIM_Type *base, bool enable) |
Sets the VrefBuffer Output enable setting. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetVrefBuffOutCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the VrefBuffer Output enable setting. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetRtcClkSel (SIM_Type *base, clock_rtcout_src_t setting) |
Set the RTC clock source selection for RTC operation. More... | |
static clock_rtcout_src_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetRtcClkSel (SIM_Type *base) |
Get the RTC clock source selection for RTC operation. More... | |
void | SIM_HAL_SetTmrPrimaryCntSrcSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t channel, sim_tmr_Primary_src_sel_t select) |
Sets the Quadtimer channel x Primary Count source select setting. More... | |
sim_tmr_Primary_src_sel_t | SIM_HAL_GetTmrPrimaryCntSrcSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t channel) |
Gets the Quadtimer channel x Primary Count source select setting. More... | |
void | SIM_HAL_SetTmrSecondCntSrcSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t channel, sim_tmr_sencond_src_sel_t select) |
Sets the Quadtimer channel x Secondary Count source select setting. More... | |
sim_tmr_sencond_src_sel_t | SIM_HAL_GetTmrSecondCntSrcSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t channel) |
Gets the Quadtimer channel x Secondary Count source select setting. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetTmr0PllClkSelMode (SIM_Type *base, clock_tmr0_pll_src_t select) |
Sets the Timer0 CH0 PLL clock source select setting. More... | |
static clock_tmr0_pll_src_t | SIM_HAL_GetTmr0PllClkSelMode (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the Timer0 CH0 PLL clock source select setting. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetEwmInputSelMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_ewm_input_sel_t select) |
Sets the EWM input select setting. More... | |
static sim_ewm_input_sel_t | SIM_HAL_GetEwmInputSelMode (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the EWM input select setting. More... | |
void | SIM_HAL_SetUartIrdaSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance, sim_uart_irda_sel_t select) |
Sets the UART x IRDA select setting. More... | |
sim_uart_irda_sel_t | SIM_HAL_GetUartIrdaSelMode (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t instance) |
Gets the UART x IRDA select setting. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetUartModTypeSelMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_uart_irda_type_sel_t select) |
Sets the UART modulation select setting. More... | |
static sim_uart_irda_type_sel_t | SIM_HAL_GetUartModTypeSelMode (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the UART modulation select setting. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetAfeClkPadDirCmd (SIM_Type *base, sim_afe_clk_pad_dir_t setting) |
Sets the AFE clock Pad direction setting. More... | |
static sim_afe_clk_pad_dir_t | SIM_HAL_GetAfeClkPadDirCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the AFE clock Pad direction setting. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_HAL_SetAfeClkSrc (SIM_Type *base, clock_afe_src_t select) |
Set the clock selection of AFECLKSEL. More... | |
static clock_afe_src_t | CLOCK_HAL_GetAfeClkSrc (SIM_Type *base) |
Get the clock source selection of AFECLKSEL. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetDmaDoneSelMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_dma_done_sel_t select) |
Sets the DMA Done select setting. More... | |
static sim_dma_done_sel_t | SIM_HAL_GetDmaDoneSelMode (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the DMA Done select setting. More... | |
static void | SIM_HAL_SetAdcTrgSelMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_adc_trg_src_sel_t select) |
Sets the ADC trigger source setting. More... | |
static sim_adc_trg_src_sel_t | SIM_HAL_GetAdcTrgSelMode (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the ADC trigger source setting. More... | |
static bool | SIM_HAL_GetRtcOscStatusCmd (SIM_Type *base) |
Gets the status of RTC oscillator. More... | |
uint16_t | SIM_HAL_GetAdcCompensationValueCmd (SIM_Type *base, uint8_t temperature) |
Gets the ADC Temperature Compensation Value. More... | |
enum clock_wdog_src_t |
enum clock_afe_src_t |
enum clock_lptmr_src_t |
enum clock_er32k_src_t |
inlinestatic |
This function enables the clock for specific module.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
name | Name of the module to enable. |
inlinestatic |
This function disables the clock for specific module.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
name | Name of the module to disable. |
inlinestatic |
This function will get the clock gate state for specific module.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
name | Name of the module to get. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Kinetis system RAM size.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets the clock selection of ERCLK32K.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the clock selection of ERCLK32K.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function controls whether System SRAM bitline precharge is enabled during VLPR and VLPW modes.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
enable | RAM Bitline Precharge enable setting
inlinestatic |
This function gets the RAM Bitline Precharge enable setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function controls whether to DISABLE source bias of System SRAM arrays during VLPR and VLPW modes.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
disable | source bias of SRAM arrays enable setting
inlinestatic |
This function gets the source bias of SRAM arrays enable setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
void SIM_HAL_SetLptmrChSelMode | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t | channel, | ||
sim_lptmr_src_sel_t | select | ||
) |
This function selects the LPTMR channel x source select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
channel | LPTMR channel x |
select | LPTMR channel x source |
sim_lptmr_src_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetLptmrChSelMode | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t | channel | ||
) |
This function gets the LPTMR channel x source select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
channel | LPTMR channel x |
inlinestatic |
This function sets the selection of the clock to output on the CLKOUT pin.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the selection of the clock to output on the CLKOUT pin.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function selects the clock used to generate the ADC triggers.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the selection of SAR ADC trigger clock.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets TMR counter freeze setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the TMR counter freeze setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function selects the clock used for LPUART.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the selection of LPUART clock.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function controls whether AFE output clock is divided by AFE clock prescaler.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the AFE output clock dividing setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets the selection of the clock to XBAR_IN[5] pin.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the selection of the clock to XBAR_IN[5] pin.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets the selection of the high frequency clock for various peripheral clocking options
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the selection of the high frequency clock for various peripheral clocking options
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
void CLOCK_HAL_SetSpiOutInvCmd | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint32_t | instance, | ||
uint8_t | inv_type, | ||
sim_spi_out_invert_sel_t | setting | ||
) |
This function sets SPI output signal inverting setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
instance | device instance |
inv_type | inverting type 3 - MISI 2 - MOSI 1 - SCK 0 - SS |
setting | The value to set. |
sim_spi_out_invert_sel_t CLOCK_HAL_GetSpiOutInvCmd | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint32_t | instance, | ||
uint8_t | inv_type | ||
) |
This function gets the SPI output signal inverting setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
instance | device instance |
inv_type | inverting type 3 - MISI 2 - MOSI 1 - SCK 0 - SS |
inlinestatic |
This function controls whether to enable the PLL in VLP modes.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
enable | enable setting of PLL VLP feature
inlinestatic |
This function gets the PLL VLP enable setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function controls whether to disable the NMI feature.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
disable | enable setting of NMI feature
inlinestatic |
This function gets the NMI feature enable setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Kinetis Family ID in the System Device ID register.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Kinetis Sub-Family ID in System Device ID register.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Kinetis Series ID in System Device ID register.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Attribute ID in System Device ID register.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the SRAM SIZE in System Device ID register.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Kinetis Revision ID in System Device ID register.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Kinetis Die ID in System Device ID register.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Kinetis Pincount ID in System Device ID register.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets divide value SYSDIV.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets divide value SYSDIV.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets BUS clock divider.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets BUS clock divider value.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets FLASH clock mode.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets FLASH clock mode value.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
void CLOCK_HAL_SetOutDiv | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t | sysDiv, | ||
uint8_t | busDiv, | ||
uint8_t | flashclkmode | ||
) |
This function sets all clock out dividers setting at one time.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
sysDiv | system clock divider |
busDiv | bus clock divider |
flashclkmode | flash clock mode setting |
void CLOCK_HAL_GetOutDiv | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t * | sysDiv, | ||
uint8_t * | busDiv, | ||
uint8_t * | flashclkmode | ||
) |
This function gets all clock out dividers setting at one time
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
sysDiv | system clock divider |
busDiv | bus clock divider |
flashclkmode | flash clock mode setting |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the program flash size in the Flash Configuration Register 1.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | Flash Doze setting |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Flash Doze in the Flash Configuration Register 1.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets the Flash disable setting in the Flash Configuration Register 1.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
disable | Flash disable setting |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the RAM size
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Flash disable setting in the Flash Configuration Register 1.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Flash maximum block in Flash Configuration Register 2.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function controls whether to enable the VrefBuffer power down feature.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
enable | enable setting of VrefBuffer Power Down feature
inlinestatic |
This function gets the VrefBuffer enable setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function selects the VrefBuffer input selection.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the selection of VrefBuffer input.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function controls whether to enable the VrefBuffer to drive PAD.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
enable | enable setting of VrefBuffer output drive feature
inlinestatic |
This function gets the VrefBuffer Output enable setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function selects the clock source for RTC operation.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | The value to set. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the selection of RTC clock source.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
void SIM_HAL_SetTmrPrimaryCntSrcSelMode | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t | channel, | ||
sim_tmr_Primary_src_sel_t | select | ||
) |
This function selects the Quadtimer channel x Primary Count source.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
channel | Quadtimer channel x |
select | Quadtimer channel x primary count source |
sim_tmr_Primary_src_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetTmrPrimaryCntSrcSelMode | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t | channel | ||
) |
This function gets the Quadtimer channel x Primary Count source select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
channel | Quadtimer channel x |
void SIM_HAL_SetTmrSecondCntSrcSelMode | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t | channel, | ||
sim_tmr_sencond_src_sel_t | select | ||
) |
This function selects the Quadtimer channel x Secondary Count source.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
channel | Quadtimer channel x |
select | Quadtimer channel x Secondary count source |
sim_tmr_sencond_src_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetTmrSecondCntSrcSelMode | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t | channel | ||
) |
This function gets the Quadtimer channel x Secondary Count source select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
channel | Quadtimer channel x |
inlinestatic |
This function selects the Timer0 CH0 PLL clock source.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
select | Timer0 CH0 PLL clock source selection |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the Timer0 CH0 PLL clock source select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function selects the External Watchdog Monitor Input source.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
select | EWM input source selection |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the EWM input select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
void SIM_HAL_SetUartIrdaSelMode | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint32_t | instance, | ||
sim_uart_irda_sel_t | select | ||
) |
This function sets the UART x IRDA select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
instance | Device instance. |
select | UART x IRDA selection. |
sim_uart_irda_sel_t SIM_HAL_GetUartIrdaSelMode | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint32_t | instance | ||
) |
This function gets the UART x IRDA select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
instance | Device instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function selects the modulation type for IRDA support.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
select | UART modulation type selection. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the UART modulation select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function controls the direction of the AFE CLK pin.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
setting | AFE clock Pad direction setting
inlinestatic |
This function gets the AFE clock Pad direction setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function sets the clock selection of AFECLKSEL.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
select | The clock source to select. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the clock source selection of AFECLKSEL.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function selects the DMA Done flag to drive XBAR_IN[32].
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
select | DMA Done selection. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the DMA Done select setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function controls whether PDB can trigger ADC directly.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
select | ADC trigger selection. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the ADC trigger source setting.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
inlinestatic |
This function gets the status of RTC oscillator.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
uint16_t SIM_HAL_GetAdcCompensationValueCmd | ( | SIM_Type * | base, |
uint8_t | temperature | ||
) |
This function gets the status of RTC oscillator.
base | Base address for current SIM instance. |
temperature | under which temperature 0 - +25 degrees Celsius 1 - -40 degrees Celsius 2 - +85 degrees Celsius |